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Brad Epperly
(He, Him, His)Associate Professor
Political Science
Office: ART 229Phone: 250.807.8810
Email: brad.epperly@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Rule of law; law and politics; democracy and authoritarianism; postcommunist politics
Courses & Teaching
Introduction to Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (POLI 223); Contemporary European Politics (POLI 464)
PhD, University of Washington
MA, European University, St. Petersburg
BA, University of California Santa Cruz
Selected Publications & Presentations
Brad Epperly. 2020. The Political Foundations of Judicial Independence in Dictatorship and Democracy, Oxford University Press
Brad Epperly, Christopher Witko, Ryan Strickler, & Paul White. 2020. “Rule by Violence, Rule by Law: Lynching, Jim Crow, and the Continuing Evolution of Voter Suppression in the U.S.” Perspectives on Politics, 18(3)
Brad Epperly & Jacqueline Sievert. 2019. “Conflict and Courts: Civil War and Judicial Independence Across Democracies.” Political Research Quarterly, 72(3)
Brad Epperly. 2019. “Myth of the Postcommunist Citizen: Communist Legacies and Political Trust.” Social Science History, 43(2)
Brad Epperly. 2018. “(Re)examining the Insurance Model of Judicial Independence Across Democracies.” Journal of Law and Courts, 6(2)
Selected Grants & Awards
Michael J. Mungo Undergraduate Teaching Award (University of South Carolina)